• We are operating in a world market where it is common to deceive with fraudulent credit cards. It only takes one deception and we have to cover for it by passing it along to all of our customers in higher product prices. Therefore we ask that you understand our policy of not accepting any card for any purchase. You can use your credit card to make a purchase by taking it to your bank and buying a cashiers check made out to Pure Power.
• We accept personal and company checks for pre-paid orders with a 10 day delay before shipping.
• We accept cashiers checks for C.O.D. orders.
• We accept personal checks up to $100.00 from established customers for C.O.D. orders.
• We prefer wire transfers from your bank to our bank for large orders. This is easy to accomplish. We supply the information you need to take to your bank, we have the funds and record of the transfer with in hours.